General Terms and Conditions

Complete information for applicants

General terms and conditions and regulations of the driving school

This document in English language is for informational purposes only. If there is an error or ambiguity in the document, what is stated in the document written in Czech language always applies.

1. Contract on teaching and training

Agreement on the provision of teaching and training (hereinafter referred to as training) between driving schools Autoškola Drive - Vršovice, s.r.o. Driving School Eden, s.r.o., Driving School - Petr Saska and Driving School Drive- Letňany, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the driving school) and the applicant for a driving license (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) is concluded in accordance with Act 89/2012 Coll., NOZ and Act 247/2000 Coll. The conclusion of the contract means the applicant's personal participation in the course registration, at which the driving school submits a signed application for a driving license, a doctor's certificate of medical fitness to drive motor vehicles, pays at least a deposit for the course fee and registers for lessons and training.

The driving school undertakes, on the basis of the contract concluded in this way, to provide the applicant with theoretical instruction and practical training to obtain a driving license and also to ensure that the applicant takes the final examination of professional competence. The course of teaching, training and examination is governed by Act 247/2000 Coll. as amended. The content of teaching and training is governed by Executive Decree No. 167/2002 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as the "Decree").

Conditions for admission to teaching and training:

The operator of the driving school accepts a person who submits a written request for training to obtain a driver's license; if the applicant is under 15 years of age, the application must be supported by written consent, i.e. the verified signature of his legal representative (if the applicant is under 18 years old, the application must be supported by written consent, i.e. the unverified signature of his legal representative) in the driver's license application.

by the date of completion of the training, reaches the age prescribed for the granting of a driving license for the relevant group according to a special law, while no more than 18 months must elapse from the beginning of the education and training to their completion, is not incapable of legal acts, is medically fit to drive a motor vehicle according to a special law,

has a permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic, or a temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic, which lasts at least 185 days, unless the person proves that he is preparing for the performance of a profession in the territory of the Czech Republic for at least 6 months, he fulfills other conditions if he is to obtain a driver's license authorization is required by special law

is not in the execution of a sanction, or punishment, of a ban on activity consisting of a ban on driving motor vehicles.

The applicant by concluding the contract, i.e. By submitting a duly completed application, filling out the registration form on the website and paying, or by making the 1st deposit, you confirm that you understand the terms and conditions and school regulations of the driving school.

2. Course fees

The amount of course fees for individual types of training is adjusted by the currently valid price list, located on the website of the driving school.

When registering for the course, the applicant is required to pay a deposit for the course fee in min. the amount of 30% of the price of the chosen course. The deposit is part of the total price of the course and is used to confirm the applicant's interest in participating in teaching and training and to cover the fixed costs of teaching the theoretical subjects of the driving school. The moment the deposit is made, the applicant is bound to reserve a place in the course, and at the earliest possible opportunity the teacher will issue a so-called "card" in which the teacher records participation in the training.

Until the deposit is paid, neither the practical nor the theoretical part of the course will start!

The course fee can be paid in full or in a maximum of three installments. Course fees can be paid: in cash, cashless by depositing/transferring to bú. driving schools and VISA/Master Card payment cards. To identify the payment, the applicant states the student's name and, as a variable symbol, the number that will be assigned to him.

When choosing to pay the course fee in installments, the applicant agrees in the event of a price increase to the recalculation of the amount of his course fee according to the current valid price list on the driving school's website

The applicant will always be allowed to take only as many practice rides as they have currently paid for!

The course fee must be paid in full no later than two days before the final exam. If the course fee is not paid, the driving school reserves the right not to take the applicant to the final test until the applicant fulfills his obligations towards the driving school.

In the event of an increase in course fees by the Driving School, after the applicant has interrupted the course or the applicant has not participated in lessons or training for a period of more than 3 months, the Driving School reserves the right to refund the original course fee paid by the applicant to the current amount of the course price, according to the price list on driving school website.
3. Withdrawal from the contract

Withdrawal from the contract is possible on the part of the applicant and the driving school even without giving a reason. Notification of early termination of training must always be given to the other party in writing, preferably by e-mail. Withdrawal is considered legally effective on the day following the day of delivery of the written withdrawal from the contract.

If the applicant is banned from driving motor vehicles during the course, he is obliged to inform the driving school immediately. In such a case, the training is considered completed by the applicant.

In the event of early termination of training by the applicant, the driving school is entitled to reimbursement of the costs of the training and further to a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the valid price list. The contractual penalty will be charged to the final course fee statement. The driving school does not claim a contractual fine if the applicant withdraws from the contract within 3 days from the date of submission of the application.

In case of early termination of the training, an invoice will be made based on the submitted documents. If there is an overpayment when paying the course fee, the driving school will immediately refund it to the applicant. If there is an arrears, the applicant is obliged to pay the course fee immediately.

If the course was paid in the form of leisure benefits, the applicant is not entitled to a refund of the overpayment.

At the applicant's request, the driving school will issue a certificate of completed training within the agreed deadline, but within 10 days at the latest.

4. Dropping out of studies

If a period of more than 6 months has passed since the last practice drive, or since the end of theoretical instruction, during which the applicant did not order any practice drive from his teacher or from the driving school management and during this time the applicant did not ask the driving school in writing to interrupt or postpone further training, the driving school reserves the right to consider such behavior as leaving the course.

By ending the course in this way, the applicants lose any financial claims.
5. Practice rides

1 hour of practice driving lasts 45 minutes, unless the applicant and the teacher expressly agree to combine two practice drives into one 90-minute training hour.

The applicant always orders practice drives from his teacher or at the office of the driving school. The applicant is obliged to confirm the date of the ride immediately in writing, preferably by e-mail, and it is binding.

The applicant must excuse himself from a training ride that he has already booked and for which he cannot attend at least 24 hours before the agreed date (on working days and during office hours) in writing by e-mail or SMS to his teacher or to the office driving school. If the applicant does not apologize or apologizes later, the driving school is entitled to a contractual penalty. (Does not apply to SICK DAY if included in the course)

The amount of the contractual penalty - cancellation of the fee for unexcused non-participation, or for a late apology from the applicant, is indicated in the valid price list on the driving school's website. It is used to cover the overhead costs of the driving school and is payable before the start of the next training session.

After completing the first two hours of training on the simulator, the applicant is obliged to start planning and take practical training lessons in the training car within 1 month. If he does not do so, the driving school reserves the right to match the price paid by such an applicant to the current price of the course listed on the website of the driving school.

The applicant is obliged to come to the practice drive in such a way that he is able to perform a test on the road traffic rules in the form of a test in the e-testy application before the practice drive. If, for example, the teacher or the applicant cannot arrive on time due to the traffic situation, they inform each other by phone immediately (at least 15 minutes before the agreed start of the journey).

If the applicant does not show up for the ordered practice ride without an excuse, the teacher is obliged to wait at the agreed place for 15 minutes, during which time he will make an attempt to contact the applicant. After exceeding this time, the ride is considered to have been failed by the applicant.

If the teacher does not show up for the ordered ride without an excuse, the applicant is obliged to wait at the agreed place for 15 minutes, during which time he will make an attempt to contact the teacher. If the applicant fails to contact the teacher within 15 minutes, the ride is considered to have been failed by the teacher. In such a case, the applicant shall immediately contact the office of the driving school, with whom the situation will be resolved. Missed driving time caused by the driving school teacher will be replaced by the inclusion of an extraordinary substitute lesson according to the teacher's time availability.

The applicant receives the pass to keep for the entire training period and is obliged to present this pass to the teacher together with the OP at each lesson (according to Act 247/2000 sb.). by the applicant. This gives the driving school the right to a contractual penalty according to the valid price list - unexcused non-participation. If the applicant loses or destroys the license, the driving school office will issue a new license for a fee according to the applicable price list.

After completing the training, the applicant must return the license to the driving school office, where the driving school operator must archive it for a period of 5 years.

The exclusive right to cancel the ride belongs to the teacher for training groups A, who must follow the current weather conditions for safety reasons.

The applicant is obliged to come to the practice ride in sturdy shoes (strap shoes or shoes with a loose heel are excluded). The applicant for group A is also obliged to come to the ride dressed in long trousers and a jacket. The driving school reserves the right not to conduct a practice drive if the teacher evaluates the applicant's clothing as unsatisfactory.

The applicant undertakes to attend both the practice drive and the final test in a state in which, according to applicable legal standards, his competence will not be excluded by e.g. consumption of alcohol, addictive substances, etc. In the event that the applicant causes damage to the driving school in a state that excludes his competence to drive a motor vehicle , bears full responsibility for its replacement.
6. Final exams

The applicant will be taken to the final examination of professional competence (hereinafter referred to as the examination) only after completing the mandatory scope of training according to Act 247/2000 Coll., provided that the teacher evaluates his knowledge and skills so that he is ready for the final examination. Exam dates are assigned by the driving school by the City Hall. the city of Prague and the driving school cannot intervene in their planning. The applicant will always find out the dates of the exams with sufficient time in advance from his teacher.

By agreeing the date of the exam in writing, the student undertakes to participate in the exam. In case of non-participation, he is obliged to pay a contractual penalty according to the valid price list on the driving school website.

If the applicant cannot attend the scheduled test date, he must apologize in writing no later than 3 working days (72 hours) before the start of the test, to the teacher or the office of the driving school by e-mail or SMS.

If the applicant excuses himself from the test later, or does not show up without an excuse, he undertakes to pay the driving school a contractual penalty, which is stated in the valid price list on the driving school's website.

If there were particularly serious reasons for missing the exam (incapacity for work, hospitalization, death in the family, etc.), the applicant can ask the driving school management to waive the contractual fine.

The driving school reserves the right not to present to the test an applicant who, without a proper excuse, did not show up for the previous test and did not pay the contractual fine, as well as an applicant whose insufficient level of professional competence (theoretical or practical) precludes successful passing of the test.

The driving school reserves the right not to present to the repeated test an applicant who has not taken any steps to improve his knowledge and skills, e.g. through additional training or consultations. The level of the applicant is assessed by the teacher.

7. Insurance

Legal liability insurance for damages caused by the operation of the motor vehicle on which the training is carried out is included in the training prices. The applicant's accident insurance is not included in the training price.

The applicant participates in co-participation in the liquidation of the insurance event, in the event that he/she caused the damage in a serious manner due to negligence, despite the teacher's prior warning. In the event of an accident and subsequent damage to the vehicle during the practical test for group A, the applicant pays the costs of repairs up to CZK 10,000.
8. Change of terms and conditions

The driving school is entitled at any time to propose to the Applicant a change to the contractual conditions in the manner agreed in Articles 1.8.5–1.8.7. GTC The driving school is entitled to propose changes to the contractual terms to the Applicant mainly for the reasons of: (i) development of services, (ii) changes in legislation, (iii) price developments on the markets that affect the provision of the Driving School's services, (iv) fulfillment of the duty of prudent performance of the Driving School's activities, ( v) changes in technology and organizational processes in the Driving School. The areas of change may relate in particular to: (i) the method of establishing, changing and terminating contractual relationships, (ii) the rules of communication and the method of mutual interaction, (iii) the extent of information obligations, (iv) the conditions of availability and content of the Driving School's services, deadlines for their provision , (v) the structure and amount of payment for the services provided by the Driving School, including the conditions for its payment.

1.8.5. Method of notification and consequences of the proposed change to the contractual terms and conditions Autoškola shall notify the Applicant, who is a Consumer, of the proposed change to the contractual terms and conditions at least two (2) weeks before the effective date of the proposed change. The Driving School will notify the applicant, who is not a Consumer, of the proposed change at least 5 days before the effective date of the proposed change. The Driving School will notify the applicant of the proposed change to the terms and conditions via the Electronic Channel, in particular using the driving school's website section of the General Terms and Conditions, or via the bulletin board in the Moje-Autoškola application.

If the Applicant is a Consumer, and Driving School has announced a proposed change to the terms and conditions via the Electronic Channel, it will also notify the Applicant of such notification in an appropriate way (for example, by SMS, email, notification in the Moje-Autoškola application). The applicant is entitled to reject this proposal before the effective date of the proposed change to the contractual terms and conditions, by written notification in electronic form sent to the address In the event that the Applicant does not reject the proposal to change the contractual terms in this way before its effective date, it is considered that he has accepted it. The Driving School informs the Applicant about this consequence in the notification of the proposed change to the contractual conditions.

1.8.6. Termination of the obligation affected by the proposal for changes to the contractual terms In the event that the Applicant does not agree with the proposed change to the contractual terms, he is entitled to terminate in writing the obligation agreed in the Contracts listed below and affected by the proposed change to the contractual terms before its effective date. In this context, the applicant is entitled to terminate the obligation from the Contract, which was agreed to start the training according to point 1.3. these General Terms and Conditions and the price list for additional services, which can be found on the website of the driving school in the price list section.

1.8.7 GTC. The termination is effective upon delivery to the Driving School. The notice must contain an expression of the Applicant's disagreement with the proposal to change the contractual terms of the terminated obligation, if the Applicant has not already rejected the proposal to change the contractual terms in accordance with Article 1.8.6. GTC In the case of Contracts that are not listed above in this provision of the General Terms and Conditions and that are affected by the proposed changes, the Applicant can only express his disagreement with the proposed changes.

In such a case, the contracts continue to be governed by the current terms and conditions.

1.8.8 Formal modifications of contractual documentation

The Driving School is entitled to modify the content of the General Terms and Conditions, the Product Terms, the Price List or any other document containing a binding agreement between the Driving School and the Applicant, which does not change the content of the commitment, without the consent of the Applicant. Taking into account the nature and extent of such modification, the Driving School will notify the Applicant of such a measure in an appropriate manner.

9. Final Provisions

The applicant is obliged to notify no later than 3 days of any change in personal data, contact telephone number and email address required for communication with the driving school. If these changes are not reported in time, the driving school is not responsible for any misunderstandings and the resulting costs, which will be charged to the applicant.)

The applicant undertakes to solve all matters related to training and examinations exclusively in person, with the exception of applicants under 18 years of age, for whom, especially serious matters, must be solved by their legal representative.

The applicant hereby confirms the correctness of his personal data in the application for admission to training.

The applicant can request a change of teacher if he is not satisfied with the course of training and the capacity conditions of the driving school allow this.

If the applicant does not agree with any of the teacher's decisions, he can appeal to the driving school management. If the applicant does not agree with the decision of the driving school management, he has the right to take further training and test at any other driving school in the Czech Republic. In such a case, teaching and training will be terminated according to the rules for withdrawal from the contract by the applicant.

Before signing these "Terms and Conditions", the applicant was familiarized with all items of the currently valid price list in detail and by signing it expresses his agreement with its content.


For driving school,

Ing. Petr Saska, v.r.






Bělocerkevská 1299/24, 100 00 Praha 10-Vršovice


(+420) 777 995 995


Office opening hours:

Mon 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Tues 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Payment methods

We accept paper vouchers
Gift Pass, Flexi Pass, Smart Pass, Fokus Pass, Bonus Pass


*up to a maximum of 5,000